The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (CTGR) engaged PC to complete a housing study & needs assessment forecasting housing demand in the region 20 years into the future. The team conducted both a ‘status quo’ and ‘optimistic’ housing needs forecast to account for the effect of different population growth trajectories on future housing demand. These housing needs forecasts were broken down by housing type and demographic. The study also included a buildable lands inventory analysis to determine parcels by development status, constraints to new construction, and how much acreage is available for potential new housing.
The study culminated in an implementation plan with milestones, target completion dates, and recommendations for CTGR to execute over the next 20-years to add more housing stock and increase the diversity of its housing options. Following this project, PC was also awarded a Phase II project focused on helping CTGR adjust its pricing policies for units built and/or maintained by the Tribe.