The El Paso Climate Charter Economic Impact Assessment

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Points Consulting conducted a holistic study of the Climate Charter initiative, which is on the Spring 2023 ballot for voters in the City of El Paso, Texas. The headline propositions of the Climate Charter include buying out the region’s municipal electric company and prohibiting the use of fossil fuels for electric power by 2045, among other things. Points Consulting dove into this topic addressing the charter line-by-line to determine how much of a tradeoff taxpayers would be facing to implement these the initiative. Our analysis found that by 2045 El Paso would suffer -198K jobs, -$9.2B in earnings, and -$32.8B in output. In short, El Paso County’s economy would decrease by -40.8% in the long run, and the average household would suffer a loss of -$38.8K from their current $51K in annual income. Though PC assumed a rapid escalation of solar power within the study, the majority of economic losses are due to reduced productivity from the steep drop off of electric capacity. Our report has been covered by several noteworthy media outlets including the El Paso Times, The Texas Tribune, and The Guardian.

Read the full report below:

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