PC assisted the Nimiipuu Fund in developing a Business and Operations Plan, and Financial Forecast for it’s proposed Business Incubator. The Incubator would primarily serve as a location for assisting small and micro-businesses, providing office space, retail frontage, and business coaching and assistance. Several of the key task’s PC completed included recommending an ideal site on tribal grounds where the Incubator should be located, recommending non-profit and federal funding sources, designing the organization chart and organizational policies, and predicting both revenue and expenses. In the process PC conducted in-depth interviews with tribal members, surveyed over 300 tribal members and conducted two informational Townhall events. The Nimiipuu Fund is determining how to roll out communications related to the final study and preparing to pursue the BIA Indian Business Incubators Program (IBIP) grant in 2022. The completed study can be accessed here: NimiipuuDesigned_070722