

September 8, 2023

Goal 9: Economic Development & Employment Lands Assessment for La Grande, Oregon

In 2023, PC and Nexus completed a Goal 9 study for the City of La Grande. The study found that the City has limited capacity for in-fill and has lost significant economic development opportunities due to site types and ownership patterns in recent years. The report recommends adding 121 acres of industrial land and 63 acres of commercial land, to… Continue Reading

February 9, 2023

Economic Impact of Moving the Oregon-Idaho State Border

Points Consulting assisted the Claremont Institute in developing this third-party assessment of the economic impact of moving the Oregon-Idaho State Border. The borders considered for this study are contiguous with the original proposition of the… Continue Reading

January 31, 2023

The El Paso Climate Charter Economic Impact Assessment PC Media Address Points Consulting conducted a holistic study of the Climate Charter initiative, which is on the Spring 2023 ballot for voters in the City of El Paso, Texas. The headline propositions of… Continue Reading

August 30, 2022

Idaho Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (CAFE) Feasibility Study

Points Consulting engaged with the University of Idaho and ZGA Architects to complete a feasibility study for the proposed CAFÉ Discovery Center, in particular the Outreach & Education Center. The study included a market analysis,… Continue Reading
